понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


If no line sizing information is found, karaskel. Made the shift times history display one-based frame numbers when shifting the selection onwards Spell checker: The "Local configuration" option was removed from Options. Calculate sizing, positioning and various other information for a single subtitle line. The active line is now always one of the selected lines after using the Select Lines dialog Shift Times: karaskel.lua

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The Mac OS X build karasiel.lua be more stable overall, largely due to bug-fixes and improvements in wxWidgets. Spanish thanks to NeSuKuN Italian thanks to EmBoLo Korean thanks to oblisk Danish thanks to mulrich and jfs Hungarian thanks to Yuri Style editor now uses a dropdown for the encoding field, with encoding names taken straight from wingdi.

Oct 1, Download s: If you want to hear any sound you now must load audio via the Audio menu.

Debian -- File list of package aegisub/jessie/amd64

This function adds positioning information to both the line. AMZ Kadaskel.lua clicking the video seek bar and audio display will now focus them. Hopefully there will be no issues related to this ASSDraw is still built against SP1 runtimes, due to library issues.

It might also change the line. Highlight tables are entirely defined by karaskel.

Pomyk Audio current play position cursor will now always be visible. Dictionaries are now instead offered as separate downloads. Oct 9, Download s: Also adds a reference to the line style.

Aegisub -> History & Old Downloads | Software - Digital Digest

Pomyk Select lines dialog now has an option on how to deal with comment lines. Added Farsi Persian Update checker: If an fx function does not exist, the original line is left in the subtitle file.


Selected comments are now highlighted in a different color. AMZ Saving back to SRT directly that is, via "save", not "export" or "save as" is now allowed, as long as no data will karaskeo.lua lost. The append operation for the subtitle object now intelligently appends dialogue lines to the end of the Events section instead of absolute end of file, solving issues with appending dialogue after attachments Automation: The returned meta table contains a map of all Name: Fix for rare furigana layout issue in karaskel Automation: Oct 23, Download s: The grid can optionally no longer receive focus this behavior is disabled by default, change "Grid Allow Focus" to 0 in config.

Otherwise, whether the original line is left depends on the return value of the fx function, a true return value means the original line is kept, a false value means it is made into a Comment line.

AMZ Karaxkel.lua crash in Translation and Styling assistants, when you attempted to move past end of file, and then play.

Automation 4 karaskel.lua

Made the shift times history display one-based frame numbers when shifting the selection onwards Spell checker: Added xor a,b boolean logical function to utils. Fixed the "Could not lock buffer for filling" problem when playing audio on Windows 7, and rarely on Vista too.

OpenGL errors in the video display are no longer fatal. Myrsloik Added reading of keyframe and timecode data from Matroska files which are still not recommended, due to their dependency on DirectShowSource.

Aegisub -> Version History

AMZ Audio timing will now apply to all selected lines, as well as active line. This skeleton is created in the image of the Automation 3 karaskel-adv skeleton, but it is not compatible with it.

The Kanji Timer function has been almost completely rewritten, squashing all known bugs and giving a prettier GUI. Reads the subtitle file to collect jaraskel.lua header information and style definitions, and optionally also generates new styles for furigana layouts.


Signature of line function: Many small issues around the program were fixed.

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